Compagnons Bâtisseurs

The volunteers must be prepared to commit themselves in the fulfilment of the objectives of the organisation and will be able to develop their awareness of:

- Working closely with families in need and with organisations involved in local projects,

- Participating in the association life,

- Working as a member of a team outside traditional organisation,

- Working and sharing with many different people,

- Sharing a different experience of life. These commitments are demanding but also offer a great experience and awareness of responsibility. On the project, volunteers will also find many ways to learn new acquaintances and live cultural exchanges.



Volunteers are working with the professionnal and the habitants to renovate homes. The volunteers can be involved in all the different projects, they can participate in the association life, they can share a different experience of life and live in a sharing flat, little by little they can undertake responsability, and they can set up personal and collective projects. Be ready to learn new things, share your skills, passion and knowledges and live intercultural exchanges ! Although the main purpose is the renovation works, the activity has therefore an important social and human aspect that makes our intervention different from a professional one. The family participate in the technical works and also in choosing the works that will to be done, the materials used, the new decoration… Sometimes the volunteers can share the lunch with the family which provides a valuable time to get to know each other and may create stronger links based on trust and sharing.


Bewerbungsfrist: 30.06.2024

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