CSYO "Healthy Wellbeing"

CSYO was founded by a group of young people as a non-political, non-profit, non-governmental organization in the city of Sumgait in 2006. The organization has vast experience working through non-formal education, concentrating on youth work, voluntarism, peace-building, social economy, active citizenship and participation. CSYO is also the Erasmus+ Youth and Europian Solidarity Corps INFO CENTER in Azerbaijan since 2019.

Our main goal in this project is to support the mental development of as many students as we can, to control their mental health, to become a mediator for the formation of better psychology and the acquisition of many skills. Volunteers are one of the most important people at this stage because they bring the ideology, solutions, and psychology of their society to our project.


  • Working closely with school children and youth by carrying out seminars, workshops, summer camps, meditation, youth exchanges.
  • Raising awareness of mental health and a healthy lifestyle by implementing different campaigns
  • Realizing volunteers' own ideas, developing local and international projects, facilitating the ongoing projects
  • Supporting the work of the CSYO as part of ''Healthy living'' team

Bewerbungsfrist: 30.05.2025

Weitere Infos findest du hier: https://www.icja.de/content/freiwilligendienste/programme/esk-dein-europaeischer-freiwilligendienst

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voraussichtlich August/September und Januar/Februar bzw. wie angegeben
Aktuelle Fristen: https://www.icja.de/content/service/login-bewerbung