The task for the volunteer will be all activities with children between 5 and 15: Organizing leisure time activities, Giving language lessons (informal), Helping the children with homework, organizing workshops to promote the creative abilities of the children. The volunteer will learn about the limited perspective that these disadvantaged children have.
The present of a volunteer gives the children the possibility to learn about foreign culture and society and teach them tolerance. foreign language lessons will promote their language competence and the employment possibilities for the future.
The main goal of the project is to provide educational activities and to help them to get prepared for the independent life, to help them in their everyday tasks etc. Involving the volunteers into everyday life of children is a great opportunity for this project, as the children will learn about the culture and traditions, in a foreign country The presence of volunteers will enrich the program offered to the children.
Bewerbungsfrist: 30.05.2025
Weitere Infos findest du hier: https://www.icja.de/content/freiwilligendienste/programme/esk-dein-europaeischer-freiwilligendienst
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